Accident Reporting

Accident Reporting and Investigation

In the event of a workplace accident, the Inspectas Compliance team specialise in the professional information gathering and investigative techniques that ensures it will be suitably and accurately documented.  

Allied to this is our thorough understanding of health and safety best practice and the associated legal requirements.

For an investigation to be worthwhile, Inspectas will work with all the relevant employees who were involved in the incident, or who were witness to it.  

We have the methodical skills and competencies to help you with undertake investigations. Our unbiased and even-handed approach provides clients with the considered, corrective actions that will ultimately mitigate and reduce the risk of reoccurrence. 

An introduction to RIDDOR

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) is the law which requires employers, and other people in charge of work premises, to report and keep records of:

  • Work-related accidents which cause deaths
  • Work-related accidents which cause certain serious injuries (reportable injuries)
  • Diagnosed cases of certain industrial diseases
  • Certain ‘dangerous occurrences’  – ie. incidents with the potential to cause harm

What’s involved in Accident Reporting?

If there is a workplace injury to a member of your staff then you’ll have a legal requirement to formally investigate. Once it’s safe to do so, then every accident – and any near-misses too – should be investigated as soon as possible.

Such investigation allows you to:

  • Find out what went wrong
  • Find out why it went wrong
  • Reduce or prevent the risk of it happening again
  • Provide information for any legal investigations or insurance claims that might be made

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